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European dairy production systems (DPS) face many challenges across the three pillars (3P) of sustainability. European regions are highly diverse and complex, and region-specific concepts for DPS are required. The MilKey project develops a whole system concept for 3P sustainability of DPS targeted to key European regions. GHG mitigation is a core aim accompanied by other environmental impacts, and analysis of economic and social factors. MilKey applies a multi-actor approach throughout the whole project.

Finally, a platform for sustainable 3P concepts for DPS in key European regions and an online barn climate and emission control tool will be available. The MilKey platform will be a long-lasting multi-actor knowledge hub to increase understanding and knowledge of sustainable DPS and to intensify the dialogue between science, farmers, stakeholders and policy, also beyond the project lifetime. MilKey integrates a decision support system to assist making knowledgeable decisions on 3P sustainability.



of the drivers and the sustainability aspects of dairy production systems in key European regions


of the 3-pillar sustainability on case study dairy production systems in key European regions and identification of priorities for their sustainability achievement


of the 3-pillar sustainability interactions and emission mitigation potentials for the dairy production systems of key European areas and identification of key greenhouse gas mitigation techniques


and demonstration of an online monitoring tool for barn climate and emission control


of the MilKey platform for information and communication on key sustainability parameters of European dairy production systems


of assistance to dairy farmers in improving the 3-pillar sustainability of their dairy production systems


Analysis of the drivers and the sustainability aspects of dairy production systems in key European regions
Assessment of the 3-pillar sustainability on case study dairy production systems in key European regions and identification of priorities for their sustainability achievement
Assessment of the 3-pillar sustainability interactions and emission mitigation potentials for the dairy production systems of key European areas and identification of key greenhouse gas mitigation techniques
Development and demonstration of an online monitoring tool for barn climate and emission control
Development of the MilKey platform for information and communication on key sustainability parameters of European dairy production systems
Provision of assistance to dairy farmers in improving the 3-pillar sustainability of their dairy production systems


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