Flash talk at the Zero Emission Agriculture conference in Copenhagen DK! – 6 May 2022
It was a great pleasure to attend and complete a flash talk at the @AarhusUni_int Zero Emission Agriculture conference in Copenhagen!
It was a great pleasure to attend and complete a flash talk at the @AarhusUni_int Zero Emission Agriculture conference in Copenhagen!
We participated in a great event where we presented an update of our project. An explanatory video about it is available! Thank you to the organizers @FACCE_ERAGAS @ERA_NET_SusAn @LeibnizATB era net susan – YouTube
After months of hard work, finally we meet in person! MilKey Annual Meeting 2021 (Agricultural University of Athens, October 25-26) @TBartzanas @VasilisAnestis @FACCE_ERAGAS @ERA_NET_SusAn