Agri-Innovation Expo

The first Research, Innovation & Technology Transfer Exhibition was organized by the Agricultural University of Athens from September 28 until 30, 2021 and was completed successfully. In the exhibition were presented more than 30 innovative products and services from the University research groups. The aim of the exhibition was to promote innovation and to exploit the research results of university members, for the benefit of society and the economy.


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Scientific publication – Contribution by ATB

Event date: June, 2021

The economic, social, and environmental challenges that the milk production sector is facing at a European scale require the development of holistic concepts to facilitate and assist stakeholders when taking informed decisions towards more sustainable dairy production systems (DPS). In this context, whole-farm models are presented as relevant tools for the integrated assessment of the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social, and environmental. In this recent paper from the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB) (Germany) a novel framework for the evaluation of whole-farm models is presented. This evaluation framework aims to guide potential users when choosing amongst the wide variety of existing whole-farm models. In addition, pathways for further improvements of the framework are identified.

You can find more about this work in the Open Access publication:

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