Event date: February 2-5, 2023

Zootechnia was held from 2 to 5 February 2023.
The research group of the Laboratory of Farm Structures (AUA), explicitly organized a workshop entitled ‘Sustainable Development in the Greek Livestock Sector’ in order to communicate the activities of several research projects it is involved, including MilKey. In this workshop, interesting discussions between researchers, livestock farmers and technology providing companies were organized in a number of different discussion panels. Panel topics included practices for mitigation of greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and achievement of sustainability from the farmers’ point of view and how these emissions and the environmental footprint of livestock farming systems is estimated. During this event, the leaflet that was developed in WP3 and another more general leaflet highlighting the concepts of the MilKey project were circulated to the participants. Finally, a roll-up banner for the MilKey project was presented.
Partner: AUA