Agri-Innovation Expo

The first Research, Innovation & Technology Transfer Exhibition was organized by the Agricultural University of Athens from September 28 until 30, 2021 and was completed successfully. In the exhibition were presented more than 30 innovative products and services from the University research groups. The aim of the exhibition was to promote innovation and to exploit the research results of university members, for the benefit of society and the economy.


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Youth Educational material

The youth educational material mostly targets secondary (high) school students in Greece and consists of an informative, short-duration video on some of the important baseline concepts and findings of the international scientific literature that students need to be aware of, regarding the environmental sustainability of food production systems.

The Youth Educational Material is available on YouTube:

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Zootechnia: 12th International Fair for Livestock and Poultry

Event date: February  2-5, 2023

Zootechnia was held from 2 to 5 February 2023.

The research group of the Laboratory of Farm Structures (AUA), explicitly organized a workshop entitled ‘Sustainable Development in the Greek Livestock Sector’ in order to communicate the activities of several research projects it is involved, including MilKey. In this workshop, interesting discussions between researchers, livestock farmers and technology providing companies were organized in a number of different discussion panels. Panel topics included practices for mitigation of greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions and achievement of sustainability from the farmers’ point of view and how these emissions and the environmental footprint of livestock farming systems is estimated. During this event, the leaflet that was developed in WP3 and another more general leaflet highlighting the concepts of the MilKey project were circulated to the participants. Finally, a roll-up banner for the MilKey project was presented.

Partner: AUA

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