The French livestock institute is a non-profit organization appointed by the French ministry of agriculture as technical center for agriculture (member of ITA network). It is the national reference and normative body in livestock farming system. It aims at “Improving the competitiveness of herbivore farming and related value chains, while taking into account the diversity of national territories and livestock systems”. Our R&D activities generate technical solutions to cattle, sheep, goat and equine livestock farmers, to value chains economic actors, complying with social issues such as animal welfare, traceability, environmental footprint.
IDELE is involved in all the work packages, but more specifically in WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5. IDELE has developed an environmental evaluation tool to be tested and improved in this project thanks to the common work on sustainability indicators. IDELE is connected to an important network of pilot dairy cattle farms in France that can be used as case studies.